

For Physical Therapists, Sports Trainers, and Chiropractors

Order the Isokineitic Therapy Bench and use any PC or Mac to graph and start Billing Insurance for Isokinetic Evaluation, Biofeedback, and Exercise today (and pay it off in weeks!) Just $5400 a unit.

Just $6495

Call 800.999.0824

The Isokinetic Therapy Bench

   The Isokinetic Therapy Bench is a multi-function isokinetic device used for testing and training of the extremities and functional core movements. It measures across the entire range of motion. Test results can be used to identify weak areas in the extremity, allowing the therapist to customize a training program specifically for the individual patient. The Isokinetic Therapy Bench provides for an amazing array (over 1,000 motions on the DVD alone!) of testing and exercises and prints accurate average and peak power at every joint segment and hundreds of joint angles to any computer. Print the graph or bill insurance online using the same computer. Even after years in the performance enhancement industry, we simply have no competitor!

    The Isokinetic Therapy Bench can be utilized to test and treat every joint segment and at most angles, eliminating many of the limitations of much more expensive isokinetic machines such as the BTE and Biodex. The Therapy Bench comes with a simple,  accurate, system of adjustment. Hardware and software all for only $5400 -- an unheard of price (ten percent of the price of a BTE or Biodex). As a result of the ability to bill for biofeedback and isokinetic testing and exercise, some Physical Therapists, athletic trainers, and chiropractors make the investment back in less than a week! Call 800.999.0824 to schedule a demo or to order your units. Accommodating resistance is safe, motivating,  billable, and trouble free. We even offer in-house service contracts and personalized installation.

Really Affordable Yet Uniquely Versatile Isokinetic Functional Testing and Treatment

Literally thousands of exercises for rehabilitation, joint balancing, and occupational therapy all billable as isokinetic and providing biofeedback by computer, mirrors, even video.

Isokinetics in the “field”. The bench comes with wheels so you can move it around your office or around the world. You do housecalls? (:

Isokinetic Wrist and Arm Movements

Add an Achiever with accurate wall mount and computerized readout or a Leaper for Squats and toe raises to complete an incredibly reasonably priced full isokinetic office. We’ll help you plan and implement your ideal environment, step by step or all at once. Just call 800.898.0007 with questions or ideas.

Isokinetic Functional Movements

Isokinetic Lower Back Movements

Biofeedback -- Digital or Computer, Mirrors, Video

Isokinetic Hip and Leg Movements at Any Angle

Iso Multi-joint functional movements

Safe iso leg curls (non-eccentric)

One Bench with Multiple Wall Brackets

Isokinetics and Biofeedback from Head to Toes

One Machine; 1000’s of Uses for 10% of the Price!

Wireless Computer Readout

Designed for NASA, adapted to Olympic Sports, we now bring isokinetic bench to those in therapy

Bill Insurance for Iokinetic and Biofeedback at a tenth the cost of Biodex and BTE. Order today.

Create “solutions” such as these hand and forearm exercises for isolation or occupational therapy or performance enhancement

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