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Career Plans

   This is directly from Cool Coach, our software program. Using this sort of thinking, you can much more easily decide what you need now and in the future as your team progresses. If you know what you need, often the doors open to afford it. As a coach I once took a few swimmers to their first international meet in Santa Clara along with a few influential people from the board of directors who had hired me a few months before. One of those directors commented on how cut and strong the Russian national team looked compared to our thirteen-year-olds. I told this person how the Russians treated training, both in and out of the water. I described many of the pieces of equipment you now see in this catalogue. But we had no place to put this equipment even if we had it.

    By the end of the meet, Dr. Fischer told me there was a room he wasn’t using at a surgery center. By the end of the month we had purchased and built what was one of the best dryland facilities most people had ever seen. By the end of the year the team, which had never qualified a swimmer for Junior Nationals took ninth without a relay! The improvement was dramatic, especially in a small town with one high school, but the point is that we knew what we wanted and I was finally smart enough to express those needs to anyone who wold listen.

    Nowadays I’d put this plan on the team website and ask for help. Let us help you with this plan.

    If you don’t have Cool Coach, e-mail Steve Friederang directly for a free copy of the Career Plans Template, one of the hundreds of functions of Cool Coach. His e-mail is Steve@Tropicalpenguin.com.

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