Cool Digital EXERCISES       DRYLAND Videos on C/D

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600 Categorized DRYLAND Movies

   Here’s the problem. Everyone likes dryland work.

You get to talk. You get to sweat. You get buff. The exercises can be challenging. But do they really work? It depends.

    In order for training of any kind to be effective the training has to be specific. So bench pressing 500 pounds actually might slow you down in the 100 freestyle! In fact scientists have proven that to be the case.

    In order for exercises to work you need to work at the same or higher speed than you will work when you swim. You have to maintain the  right joint angles (this is why world class runners can’t beat you in the pool).

    So why make a two C/D set with over 600 exercises? These are many of the right ones! And we sell and also designed machines that are even more specific right on this site.

    Learn all the correct movements and all the scientific terms and see exactly how to work at home, in the gym, and on the pool deck to be stronger and  more powerful than you’ve ever dreamed. Then walk up to the block and scare the daylights out of your competitors. It’s just a hint of what you’ll now be able to do in the water!

Better than DVD

    You can freeze any frame, play multiple movies at once for comparison and presentation, search for just that motion you want to see or show, loop and play backwards, or in slow motion, print, put them on your iPod or phone, build your own slide shows, etc.


    Some ADVANTAGES of having these videos on C/D are as numerous as you are creative, but here are some major ones for you as a coach and swimmer:

* 1. They are searchable. In less than a second, find exactly the right clip you want, showing the middle of a flip turn, or the outsweep of the whip kick  How many millions of hours of videotape do you have to go through to find that clip Johnny needs? With our three search engines, consider that problem solved!

* 2. They are loopable. Endless play means no more rewinding. Keep the clip or just part of a clip running while you talk or until your athlete gets it.

* 3. They are printable. Drag them into word processors or spreadsheets, newsletters, your web site, etc. and make up your own curriculum. Forbes Carlisle does this in training his over 200 coaches in Australia. His coaches teach  over 26,000 swimmers a month in Australia using Cool Digital Videos licensed from Tropical Penguin, with legendary success. Now you can too!

* 4. The movies use a tracking system developed by Olympic gold medalist Mike O’Brien so you can see the over 600 drills, for example, following swimmers at the best possible angle under and above water, from behind, in front, or on the side.

* 5. Play two or more movies side by side for comparison.

* 6. Make your own video slide show with movies playing in any order you wish, one a t a time or in a stream.

* 7. They play on your swimmer’s computers. Ask them five quick questions about rotation, or strtching, or body position and have them ”discover” the answers in less than five minutes at home. They can even “cheat” by calling teammates. They will be more ready than ever to concentrate on your instruction the next day. And they will

personally integrate everything you’ve taught them.

Best advancement in swimming in many years. Congratulations!  John Leonard, ASCA CEO

We use Cool Digital Swim Videos in teaching our 200 coaches. Please send us new ones you develop and thank you for licensing them to us. Forbes Carlile, First Australian to compete in the modern pentathlon, Olympic coach and owner Carlile Swim Schools

I've purchased various copies of your products and I like them a lot.  Your work has been an important contribution to swimming education.  I hope everything goes well for you and your family.

Dr. Ernie Maglischo, NCAA Champion coach; scientist, and author the Swimming Faster series

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